We’re working to expand the roles of all three of our websites, Twitter accounts and Facebook pages and as part of that we felt that it was time that some of our websites had a major increase in their news coverage.
It’s something we’ve generally limited here on the Infinite Frontiers website but we want to change all that and with YOUR help. We want to reach out to publishers, creators, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, video game developers and publishers, artists, writers, film and TV studios, toy companies, comic book publishers, event organisers… absolutely anyone involved in the development of anything geek related as we’d love to cover your work and upcoming products here on the site.
If you send all your news announcements, press stories and images to us at contact@infinitefrontiers.org.uk and we’ll strive to get as many of them published as we possibly can.
For anyone interested in helping us with this, we may be looking at adding one or two news writers/editors to our team as well so get in touch at the above email address if that’s something that might be of interest to you too.
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