The Green Ranger, A.K.A Tommy Oliver from Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers (MMPR) was such a memorable character from the series, introduced to us in the epic “Green With Evil” storyline. When I first saw that Hasbro had started their lightning collection figures I was impressed by what I saw and loved the look of the lightning effects that come with their weapons. MMPR Green Ranger is the first figure I picked up, and I got him from the always reliable In Demand Toys.
At first glance, this figure looks fantastic. He really captures the look of the Green Ranger that we’re used to seeing on screen. Highly articulated and poseable, you’ll have no shortage of posing positions to display him in! Some people have been disappointed that the underneath of the Dragon Shield he wears is not painted with the white diamond normally seen on Power Rangers chests. This doesn’t bother me too much, as I’m not going to remove the shield anyway.
Head Sculpt:
To me, this head sculpt looks fantastic. Some people don’t like that the teeth around his visor are all silver, without the white that was seen in show. Again, this isn’t something I’m going to quibble about, as the overall look really works for me, but it’s just something to bear in mind if this level of detail would be important to you.
Tommy comes with his Sword of Darkness and Dragon Dagger weapons as seen in the show, as well as a lightning effect that fits over the Sword of Darkness. I’m really impressed with the level of detail on both of these accessories.
It might seem like a small thing to some, but I love the look that’s created by the lightning effect on the weapon, it’s one of the things that really drew me to this line.
The Dragon Dagger is well painted and includes the flute details that can be seen in the show, and it can be stored in the sheath attached to his belt.
Also included are a Tommy head, a punching fist, and a flute playing hand. These can all be swapped with the helmeted head and the hands that come attached to the figure. I’m quite impressed with how well they created Tommy’s look from this era of the show.
Great look, awesome pose-ability, and just great fun! I definitely recommend this figure!
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