Tommy Oliver returned to Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers (MMPR) in season two as the White Ranger after losing his Green Ranger Powers. The White Ranger was introduced in the “White Light” Storyline. I wasn’t sure how deep I wanted to go in the Lightning Collection line, but I knew that one figure would look odd in my display. With that in mind, I decided to follow up my MMPR Green Ranger purchase with the White Ranger. I picked this figure up from Comics and Cocktails via their ebay store.
Really impressive looking figure! Absolutely captures the screen accurate look that we want from our toys and collectibles. Like all of the lightning collection figures he’s highly posable. The shield he wears on his upper body is made from a softer material which aids in his pose-ability.
Head Sculpt:
I can’t see how this head sculpt could be any more perfect. The White Tiger details are captured perfectly.
Tommy comes with Saba, his loyal talking sword. Alas, this version doesn’t talk, but it does look fantastic. Really well detailed and comes with a lightning effect that slots on to the end of it.
Saba can also be safely holstered in the sheath attached to the side of Tommy’s belt.
Also included are a Tommy head and two punching fists. The Tommy head features a different hair style to the one we got with the Green Ranger and is appropriate the look Tommy tended to go for when in his White Ranger phase. These can be swapped for the ranger helmet head and the hands that are attached to the figure out of the box.
The more I look at this figure, the better he gets! They just did a fantastic job with this guy, highly recommended!
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