Billy Cranston, A.K.A the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Blue Ranger. Introduced to us in season one as the super intelligent teen who would ultimately also become a great fighter too. As I was a little behind in getting into this line, I struggled to get this figure from the usual outlets. I ended up getting him on Amazon Marketplace from a seller called Play Collect. I was impressed at the fast delivery and eco-friendly packaging that this seller used. We can remember on more than one occasion, the Power Rangers wanted to fight against pollution (Clean Up Club anyone?) so I’m sure the rangers themselves would be impressed by this!
Really nice-looking figure. Captures the Blue ranger look perfectly, and when taking him out of the box my eyes were also drawn to how good the accessories are, which I’ll come onto later.
Head Sculpt:
I’m really impressed with the details of the Triceratops helmet on this figure. Well painted and accurate and very reminiscent of the on-screen action we’d see Billy in when morphed.
Billy comes with his full Power Lance and a lightning effect. Very screen accurate. I love the lightning effects, although I struggled a little bit to get this one on and looking how I wanted. It wasn’t easy getting the lance into his hands, but with a bit of perseverance I got there!
Billy also comes with separate Power Lance pieces, as he would use them when connecting to the Power Blaster (and occasionally used them in battle), two alternate hands that can be swapped, and an un-helmeted head. This head is just fantastic. They’ve done an amazing job of sculpting this with his glasses on and getting it to look just like Billy too. Bravo, Hasbro! Billy also comes with a Blade Blaster in blaster mode which can be hand-held or holstered on the side of his belt.
Really nice-looking figures with great accessories. Highly recommended!
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